AA Computer Resources & Graphics


Windows System Clock
(Sorry Mac Users)


The easiest way to access the System Clock is to double click on the Time Icon displayed on the Task Bar (on the opposite side of the Start Button).  The Date/Time Properties window will open.  This displays a calendar on the left side, showing the current setting of the month, year and day and a clock on the right side showing the time setting as in the background picture.  If any of the settings are not correct you can change them as follows:
  1. To change the month, click on the arrow to the right of the box showing the month and select the correct month.
  2. To change the year, click on either the up or down arrows to the right of the box displaying the year.
  3. To change the day, click on the appropriate day on the calendar.
  4. To change the time, left click once on either the hours, minutes, seconds, or AM/PM spaces on the box displaying the time.  Then use the up or down arrows to change the setting.
  5. Once you are done, click on the Apply and OK buttons.  The clock will now show the correct time.  To see the date, place the mouse arrow over the clock, without moving it, and a box will pop up showing the date.
  6. Click the Back Button to return to my Main Page and then click your Browser's "Refresh" or "Reload" Button.  This will update the date and time on top of the page.